Our products

Optical smoke detector OAO-CN

The OA-O smoke detector uses the Tyndall effect to measure the light scattering on the smoke particles entering the analysis chamber.

The variation in intensity perceived by the infrared receiver is analyzed by a programmed electronics which takes the decision of the state of the detector and makes available the electrical signal resulting from the analysis performed by the sensor.

Provided with a base of 8 preprogrammed detection thresholds, this monitored electronics makes it possible to send a fault signal in the event of failure of the sensitive element. Depending on the associated control unit, it is possible to program the threshold change in time cycles.

This detector has a red indicator light used to signal the fire alarm. An output allows remote repetition of this information.

Manufactured according to its own processes, its aesthetic both sober and discreet allows it to fit into any architecture.

This detector has a red indicator light used to signal the fire alarm. An output allows remote repetition of this information.

Manufactured according to its own processes, its aesthetic both sober and discreet allows it to fit into any architecture.

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